Life in ObamaNation

July 1, 2009

Scientists Visit the Creation Museum

Filed under: Culture — Barbara Mathieson @ 6:03 am
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Did the scientists drink the water?

by DowneastDem Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 02:41:39 PM PDT

The Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky opened in 2007 to present an account of the origins of the universe, life and mankind according to a literal interpretation of the Bible. The museum is used by many evangelical Christians as a backdrop to attack the moral relativism that they believe is ruining America.  Visitors to the museum learn that the universe was created 6000 years ago (in six days) and dinosaurs and humans cohabited the earth.

Yesterday a group of scientists visited the Creation Museum.

The University of Cincinnati was hosting a conference for paleontologists from all over the world. During a break in the activities, a group of 70 scientists made the short trip to the Creation Museum.  While the Americans are accustomed to the general hostility to science among many of their fellow citizens, many of the foreign scientists were shocked at what they found.

Tamaki Sato was confused by the dinosaur exhibit. The placards described the various dinosaurs as originating from different geological periods — the stegosaurus from the Upper Jurassic, the heterodontosaurus from the Lower Jurassic, the velociraptor from the Upper Cretaceous — yet in each case, the date of demise was the same: around 2348 B.C.

“I was just curious why,” said Dr. Sato, a professor of geology from Tokyo Gakugei University in Japan.

Poor Dr. Sato.  Has he never read the Bible?  Doesn’t he know that 2348 BC was the year of the Great Flood?

NP NowPublic

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